Erectile Dysfunction

Erections can be funny things, sometimes refusing to go down at highly inappropriate times and other times refusing to put in an appearance when we want them to the most.  As men age the probability and frequency of having difficulties getting and maintaining an erection increases.  It’s really quite common and not something to be embarrassed about and help is available through your GP.

There are 2 main reasons for erectile dysfunction: physical and psychological.  If you can get an erection fine most of the time, but it seems to do the disappearing act when you are with a partner, then it is likely the problem is mostly psychological.  If you ALWAYS have difficulty getting an erection then it is more likely to be a physical issue.  It’s also possible for people to have a mixture of both psychological and physical factors which can affect a hard on.

There are many physical factors which can create erection difficulties, one of the more common causes are drugs, both prescribed and recreational - other health problems such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis can also create problems.  In some situations there could be issues with testosterone or the blood flow in the penis.

A number of treatments have been successful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Medication, such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis can be used to manage it in at least two-thirds of cases. Vacuum pumps that encourage blood to flow to the penis and cause an erection are also successful in 90% of cases.

Psychological treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and sex therapy.

If you are having problems with your sex life and also have a regular partner, it is usually recommended you involve your partner as much as possible.  Communicating your concerns can often go a long way to helping to resolve them.

For more information about sexual dysfunction click the link below

Ejaculation Problems

There are 3 main types of ejaculation problems

  1. Premature Ejaculation

 This is the most common ejaculation problem, basically, it is when you cum too quickly.  Although there is no set time definition as to how long sex should last.  It is up to the individual to determine whether they believe premature ejaculation is a problem for them.  Occasional episodes of premature ejaculation are not an uncommon experience for a lot of men, but if it gets to the point whereby the majority or all of your sex is affected then it may be time to speak with your GP for some help.

  1. Delayed Ejaculation

This is when it takes longer than you would like to cum or in some situations not being able to cum at all during sex.  There is no set definition to describe ‘how long is too long’, but a persistent (and unwanted) delay of ejaculation that lasts for more than 30 minutes may suggest delayed ejaculation.

Alternatively, if you are unable to achieve ejaculation at least half the times you have sex, you may have delayed ejaculation.

Delayed ejaculation can occur in all sexual situations, or just in certain situations – for example, you may be able to ejaculate normally when masturbating, but not during sex. When delayed ejaculation only happens in certain situations, there's usually a psychological cause.

If you are bothered by delayed ejaculation speak with your GP.

  1. Retrograde ejaculation 

Retrograde ejaculation is a rarer problem, this is when the sperm travels in the opposite direction and ends up in the bladder rather than coming out the end of the penis.  Symptoms include very little or no visible semen following orgasm accompanied by cloudy coloured urine (this is because it has semen in it). 

This is not a dangerous condition but it can affect fertility, many guys with retrograde ejaculation may choose to do nothing about it.

For more information about ejaculation problems click the link below:

Blood in your Semen

Finding blood in your semen can be quite alarming but in most cases will pass in a few days.  Generally speaking your cum should be pearly white not dissimilar to raw egg white.

Blood in your semen can be either red or brown and may be the result of a forgotten blow to the testicles earlier on. Badly designed bicycle seats, saddles and sporting injuries are usually the prime suspects. You could also have suffered an infection which can cause slight bleeding into the semen.

Prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate or an enlarged prostate can also bleed, although the blood is generally red in colour. Finally testicular cancer can make its presence felt in this way so if it persists it makes sense to get it checked by your GP sooner rather than later.

This page offers advice only on some of the more sensitive topics for men - If you have any concerns please don't complete the referral form - go speak with your GP.

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