Helpful advice on Taking Your Test
Why you need to take your time
We get a lot of Home STI Kits returned to our lab with insufficient blood to enable the various tests to be completed. Please take time to read the advice on this page, before you attempt your test, and follow all the instructions in your in-pack guidance notes carefully. In addition, try to allow yourself at least a half hour to take the test, so that you have the time and space to be able to complete it and label your sample slowly and accurately.
How to order another kit
If your results come back indicating you didn't supply enough blood or the sample leaked in transit or you had an 'Equivocal' result i.e. your test was inconclusive, then in these instances you will need to re-test. If you need another kit sent to you within one month of completing your last test, please get in contact with us, by email: [email protected] and we'd be happy to get another one out to you. If it's been more than a month you should be able to order another kit from our website without any problems. Please contact us if you can't.
Steps to follow to complete your Home HIV Test
Find below some good advice on how to complete your Home HIV Kit tests, these may help you to provide sufficient and accurate samples to the Lab:-
- Do not label your blood bottle until you have taken your sample, so that you can see how much blood you have collected.
- Fill the blood bottle to above the top orange line. Use the 3 lancets provided if you start to heal and “dry-up” so you get enough blood out.
- If the side of your little finger doesn't work for you, choose a more fleshy finger instead.
- Drink as much water as you can on the day you do the home test kit – try and get at least a litre down yourself so you are well hydrated before you attempt to take your blood sample. This will make it easier!
- Warm your hands for a few minutes in hot water, or take a hot shower before doing your test – it really does help you bleed.
- When you use the lancets press firmly on your skin, they're designed to create a crescent wound that will bleed but not to injure you. They only work once and make a snapping sound like a stapler. That's normal and not a malfunction. Once you hear the snap, release the pressure on the lancet and have your bottle ready to capture the blood.
- Use the fingers of your other hand to drag tightly down the finger that you've cut, to draw blood towards the finger tip, away from your palm. If your hands are warm, this should help you get the blood into the bottle.
- If you need to, use all 3 lancets. If one wound dries up or clots then use another finger and another lancet. If you stop bleeding it's easier to make another cut than to try and get more blood out of a closed wound.
- Once you have filled your blood bottle and put the lid on firmly, shake the bottle a few times to mix the blood with the preservative, to ensure it gets to the lab in a form that can be used for your test.
- Label your sample & check the expiry date of your kit by looking at the box and the blood collection bottle.
- There is a white “request slip” in the box. It has your name, date of birth and phone number on it – make sure you put your completed test back in the box and tape that request slip on the top and around the box to keep it closed and sealed. If the Lab don’t get your request slip, then they won’t process your kit.
- Check your phone number is correct on the request slip, to make sure you get a text and let us know if you don’t hear within 7 days (this allows 2 days for postage).
You can also read the Guidance Notes in your pack or watch the instructional video on taking your own blood
The below video will help you take your blood sample, using the safety lancets provided in the pack you'll have received from us. Please watch this step-by-step video, before attempting to collect your blood sample. It will take you through filling in the form, what to expect in your pack and instructions on taking the blood sample.